
Writing a GPU-Accelerated Path Tracer in Rust - Part 3

17 minute read Published:

Hello! Welcome to my third and final post on my GPU-accelerated Path Tracer in Rust. In the last post, we implemented all of the logic necessary to build a true path tracer. Problem is, even on the GPU it’s terrifically slow. This post is (mostly) about fixing that. But first, we need to fix a bug or two, because I goofed. *sad trombone* Step -1: Fixing Bugs /u/anderslanglands on Reddit pointed out that, since I’m using Cosine-weighted Importance Sampling, I need to do some extra math to avoid biasing the results.

Writing a GPU-Accelerated Path Tracer in Rust - Part 2

16 minute read Published:

Hello, and welcome to part two of my series on writing a GPU-accelerated path tracer in Rust. I’d meant to have this post up sooner, but nothing ruins my productivity quite like Games Done Quick. I’m back now, though, so it’s time to turn the GPU ray-tracer from the last post into a real path tracer. Tracing Paths As mentioned last time, Path Tracing is an extension to Ray Tracing which attempts to simulate global illumination.

Writing a GPU-Accelerated Path Tracer in Rust - Part 1

15 minute read Published:

Well, it’s that time again. This is the start of a second series of articles on raytracing in Rust following on from my previous series. This time, I’ll be doing all of the rendering on a GPU using Accel - see my previous post on Accel. I thought this would be a good project for learning about GPU programming, see. Second, this time I want to write a path tracer, rather than a raytracer.

Calling Rust From Python

11 minute read Published:

Hello! This is a detailed example of exposing Rust code to other languages (in this case, Python). Most articles I’ve seen that cover this topic uses really trivial example functions, skipping over a lot of the complexity. Even the better ones out there typically don’t have a pre-existing, reasonably complex program to work with. I’m going to start with trivial functions and build my way up to being able to define a scene for my raytracer in Python using a series of calls to Rust, then render it and return the resulting image data back to Python.

Writing a Raytracer in Rust - Part 3 - Reflection and Refraction

12 minute read Published:

Hello again, and welcome to the final part of my series on writing a raytracer in Rust (Part 1, Part 2). Previously we implemented a basic raytracer which could handle diffuse shading of planes and spheres with multiple objects and multiple lights. This time, we’ll add texturing, reflection and transparent objects. First, I’ve refactored the common parts of Sphere and Plane out to a separate structure. Since this post is all about handling more complex surface properties, we’ll need a structure to represent them and avoid duplication.

Writing a Raytracer in Rust - Part 2 - Light and Shadow

9 minute read Published:

Welcome to Part 2 of my series on writing a raytracer in Rust. If you haven’t already, you may wish to read Part 1. Previously, we implemented a basic raytracer which can render only a single sphere with no lighting. This time, we’ll add multiple objects, planes, and basic lighting. Multiple Objects It’s pretty easy to change our scene definition to contain a Vec of spheres instead of just a single one.

Writing a Raytracer in Rust - Part 1 - First Rays

7 minute read Published:

Hello! This is part one of a short series of posts on writing a simple raytracer in Rust. I’ve never written one of these before, so it should be a learning experience all around. So what is a raytracer anyway? The short version is it’s a computer program that traces the paths of simulated rays of light through a scene to produce high-quality 3D-rendered images. Despite that, it also happens to be the simplest way to render 3D images.