JARVIS - Notes on Rust Crates From Writing an RSS Reader

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Way back in the dim mists of history (back in university) I wrote myself a custom RSS reader in Java and called it JARVIS1. You see, I read a lot of webcomics. Like, a lot. Some webcomics provide RSS feeds, but some don’t, and as my collection grew it started to become a hassle to use Firefox’s live bookmarks to manage it all. Ultimately, I wrote up a quick Swing GUI to use as a single interface for keeping up with blogs and tracking which comics had published updates since the last time I’d checked2. Over the years, I periodically make upgrades to it - performing the HTTP requests in parallel, for example, or adding caching. I recently completed such a round of upgrades, rewriting large portions of the code from a mixture of Scala and Java into Rust. This brought me into contact with a number of Rust libraries that I’ve never used before. I hope my impressions can be useful to the maintainers of those libraries and to other Rust programmers.

Basic Design

At some point over the years I’d rewritten the whole database access layer and HTTP-fetching code in Scala. Scala is a great language, but I haven’t used it in years and so this code was starting to get very hard to maintain. The plan was to rewrite all of that into either Rust or Java. Of course, Rust doesn’t yet run on the JVM, so I needed to decide how I was going to integrate the two.

I could have gone with JNI or JNA or some other Java FFI system, but I figured that would be more complex than I wanted. Also, I eventually plan to convert this into an HTTP server so that I can access it from any device. Ultimately, I settled on launching a background process and communicating with it by serializing JSON messages over stdin/stdout. In retrospect, that was probably a mistake; if I were doing this again I think I should have just had the backend process start up a simple HTTP server on localhost and connected to that instead of messing around with stdin/stdout.

The backend process has three main responsibilities. It stores data and makes it available for some limited querying by the GUI. It performs HTTP requests for RSS feeds; either simple fetches for regular news feeds or with some simple date/time logic attached to guess whether webcomics that don’t have RSS feeds would have updated. Finally, I’ve come up with the concept of an archive cursor, which takes a bit of explaining. Fellow webcomics fans will no doubt be familiar with the Archive Binge, where someone starts at the beginning of the archives and goes on reading until caught up to the present. This can take hours or even days for very long comics, and I typically don’t have that much unbroken time. As an alternative, I’ve set up JARVIS to automatically find the next 3-5 pages per day so I can read them. This requires scraping the pages to automatically find the “Next Page” links. I’ve found this to be a great way to get caught up on new webcomics or to re-read old favorites while only investing 10-15 minutes a day rather than seven-hour marathon sessions.


I didn’t originally expect this to be difficult. “You just connect serde and GSON to stdin/out” I thought “That seems pretty simple”. Famous last words. I ran into two major problems doing that. First, both GSON and serde_json expected that there would be no more data after the end of the first record, which wasn’t true in this case. Second, I ran into deadlocks aplenty.

The solution to the first problem wasn’t actually so hard. After asking around I discovered that serde_json has a StreamDeserializer iterator which does precisely what I wanted (GSON calls it a JSONReader).

The second problem wasn’t easily solved by a library. It took me a little while to iron out all of the deadlocks. The problem is that each side of the communication will write a message and then wait for the response (or in the case of the backend, will wait for the next command). If both sides end up waiting at the same time, you get a deadlock.

Most languages (including Rust) will buffer stdout to avoid the overhead of calling out to the OS for every character. Exactly when that buffer is flushed is usually not documented, though. It is typically flushed when the process writes a newline character, but not necessarily. Also, serde_json at least expects there to be some kind of separation between each message in a stream such as a newline. Ultimately, what I settled on is to write the message, write a newline character, and then explicitly flush the output stream.

Once I got all of that working, the rest of the JSON interface was pretty straightforward, so I won’t go into much detail on that.

Error Handling

With all of this JSON parsing, database access and HTTP fetching going on, there’s a lot of room for errors to occur. I opted to set up a decent error-handling system early on, with the new failure crate.

My error-handling needs are pretty simple; I just need to bubble errors up to the JSON API layer where they can be reported back to the GUI process. failure provides a variety of different ways to handle errors to represent different performance and effort tradeoffs. I picked the Error type, which requires basically no effort at the cost of always allocating when an error is created. I simply return a Result<T, Error> from all of my functions that can fail, and print the error message at the top level. I was quite impressed by how easy it was. I’m not concerned about the allocation here; for this code errors should be rare and performance is not a top concern anyway.


For database access, I used the diesel crate with a Sqlite database file. Overall, it worked quite well - the resulting code is much clearer than the code it replaced. It does make me a bit nervous though. The major reason why I decided to replace the Scala code initially was because I was having a lot of trouble remembering how to work with the heavily DSL-based Slick library, and I’m concerned that I might have a similar problem with diesel in the future. I think it will be less pronounced, but I still have to remember, for example, that I need to use diesel::insert_into(feed) for inserts but feed.load for queries. On the good side, even the DSL-based Diesel code is easily readable; I’m just not sure I’ll be able to remember how to write it without referencing the documentation.

Speaking of the documentation, there are a few areas I found where it could be improved. In particular, the documentation on foreign-key relationships and JOINs is buried in the API docs where it’s kind of hard to find. It would be nice if there was a guide to doing these things on the website with the other guides, or at least some links to the right place in the API docs to make it easier to find. Having said that, I like how Diesel makes foreign-key queries very explicit, rather than trying to fetch a whole object graph like some ORMs do.

One comment is that (depending on how you design your database) the DSL imports can clash with likely variable names. For example, when inserting a new record into the feed table, it’s pretty reasonable to do something like this:

use ::schema::feed::dsl::*;
let feed = ...

Except that this causes a name collision between the feed table object and the feed structure being inserted, so you have to artificially rename the value. Over time I might gravitate towards using schema::feed::table or something similar to make it really clear what is being referenced.

Finally, I had some trouble accessing the database in multiple parallel threads. I know sqlite doesn’t support concurrent writes, but it does support parallel reads, so I thought I’d set up a database thread pool of 2-3 threads and take advantage of whatever parallelism I could get. I thought sqlite would lock the database during writes and that the other threads would block until it was unlocked, then proceed. Instead, all other transactions simply failed while the database was locked. Of course, I could write my own retry logic, but it’s surprising that I would have to. In the end, I settled for just using a single database thread; it’s plenty fast enough for my needs.

One last thing - I love that diesel directs the programmer to use database migrations right from the start. It can be done in Java with tools like Flyway, but the programmer needs to know to look for them. Explicit, repeatable migration scripts make databases much easier to work with over long periods of maintenance.

Tokio & Reqwest

JARVIS needs to make many HTTP requests to fetch RSS feeds and other resources. Since they’re mostly independent, it’s much faster to perform these requests in parallel. In Rust, that means using tokio and futures. tokio is pretty low-level, though, and I didn’t want to have to add HTTPS support myself, so I went with reqwest’s unstable async API instead, which is a higher-level layer built on top of tokio.

The original Scala code I replaced was also heavily futures-based, so it was more or less a direct translation. Overall, I was really impressed by this whole section of the ecosystem. Despite officially being unstable, reqwest’s3 async API was well designed, well documented and worked flawlessly. futures is great as well; it provides every combinator I wanted in a futures library and then some (the loop_fn function in particular cleaned up some ugly recursive code in the original Scala implementation). Note that I used version 0.1.17 of futures; the API has changed a bit in 0.2 and I understand it will change more in 0.3 which is expected to arrive soon.

I’ve read comments saying that the futures library is hard to learn and hard to use. Now that I’ve used it, I don’t think that is the case. Almost everything I know about futures from other languages transfers over quite cleanly. The only notable difference is that you have to do something with your future after you’ve built it. In Java or Scala, you register your callbacks and then just let the Future object fall out of scope; the callbacks will still be triggered when the future is completed. Rust’s futures need to be polled rather than notified, though, so you have to build up the future and then submit it to an event loop to be executed. Once you adjust for that though, the futures API looks pretty much like any other. Maybe it helps that I have extensive experience working with futures in other languages though. For those who don’t, I believe that the async/await pattern is already available through macros; that may be more familiar.

That said, it’s not all roses. I’m not sure I like how reqwest tries to build a strongly-typed API over HTTP headers. In particular, I have to work with etags and the last-modified header for caching RSS feeds. I’ve always treated them as opaque string tokens, and it’s a slight hassle to have to convert between the typed representation that reqwest uses and the string representation stored in the database. It’s just a function call or two, though; more of a speed bump than an actual problem.

RSS/ATOM Parsing

Conveniently for me, Rust already has crates for parsing RSS and ATOM feeds - rss and atom_syndication. I don’t have too much to say about those crates specifically; they each have a simple job and do it well enough. It might be nice to have a third crate that provides a basic abstraction over the two formats (something like the Rome library does in Java) but it’s easy enough to just try to parse a response as RSS and then fall back to ATOM if that fails. Both of these crates are owned by the same GitHub organization, though it seems like maintenance on the RSS crate is more active.

I would like to comment on one thing tangentially related to these crates though. They show a problem that I see in a lot of Rust crates, which is that the documentation is badly cluttered by functions that are not that interesting. In this case, the feed structures are builders with getters and setters for all of the various fields used by RSS and ATOM feeds. In other libraries, it’s the get_ref/get_mut_ref functions and so on. It can be hard to visually skim through all of the noise of getters and setters to find the parsing and creation functions, which are meaningfully distinct. Perhaps RustDoc or the new doxidize tool could do something to improve the signal-to-noise here, like allowing the programmer to coalesce together related functions, or to separate functions into different sections to group the setters and getters together and the parsing functions in a different section.


My need for date/time operations on this project was thankfully quite limited. Dealing with dates and times can be unbelievably complicated. In my case, I mostly just have to check if a day has passed since the last time the user read a webcomic, or to check if today is a certain day of the week.

That said, I’m not hugely impressed with the chrono crate. It did most of the things I needed it to do, but not quite everything. In particular, it doesn’t appear to have any way to add or subtract large durations (months or years) from a datetime except to approximate it by using eg. 4 weeks instead of a month. I fully realize that doing that kind of math correctly is a huge headache, but chrono is the standard (only?) date/time crate in the Rust ecosystem. People are going to need to do things like this, and if the ecosystem doesn’t provide a standard correct implementation they will invent their own incorrect versions instead.

Likewise, it lacks a lot of helper functions that I’m used to having from working with JodaTime, like having an obvious way to get “midnight today” as a DateTime. It’s easy enough to piece together from what is there, I suppose, so I can’t say this is a huge problem. The NaiveDateTime struct in general is missing a lot of the features of the DateTime struct; if this is intentional it might be helpful to give clearer guidance to the programmer that they should convert to a timezone-aware type before operating on it. It would be nice if Diesel could perform that conversion.

On the plus side; I do like how chrono uses a single generic type to represent the difference between a DateTime in UTC, the local time zone and a fixed offset. Most other date/time libraries I’ve worked with use entirely separate classes for that if they handle it at all.

chrono does not appear to have support for the standard tzdb database; there’s a separate crate for that, but it doesn’t seem to be very actively maintained and it works by generating fixed Rust code from the database. I haven’t tried, but this would probably make it difficult to deal with changes to time zones and things like daylight-savings-time rules.

HTTP Parsing/Scraping

Initially, I wrote all of the scraping code with select.rs, then at the last minute scrapped it all and re-wrote it with scraper instead. Overall, I think both of these libraries are lacking (at least compared to JSoup), but they’re lacking different things.

I initially liked select.rs’ typed selector API, but it currently isn’t as powerful as full CSS selectors simply because a lot of the standard CSS selectors are not yet implemented. I do like this design, though, because it makes it easy for the application programmer to extend the system to define additional selectors of arbitrary complexity. Unfortunately, I have a hard requirement to allow dynamic, runtime-defined selectors, and select.rs does not support that use case at all right now. Also, select.rs is largely undocumented. It’s designed well enough that I was able to figure out how to use it from the API docs anyway, but it could definitely benefit from some more effort on documentation.

scraper, by contrast, only works with CSS selector strings. This makes it impossible to extend, but makes it possible for me to use selector strings provided at runtime. This is a requirement for me because webcomic HTML pages are super inconsistent from one site to another and hard-coded heuristics for finding the ‘next-page’ links can only take one so far. This is why JARVIS allows the user to override the heuristics and provide a CSS selector string that matches the appropriate link. Unfortunately, scraper does not provide some of the useful extensions to CSS selectors that JSoup does - such as the :has(selector) construction which selects parent nodes that contain descendant nodes matching the nested selector. The programmer could provide it, but then we’re back to either hard-coded selection behavior or implementing my own extra parsing.


The Rust ecosystem is pretty new and unrefined in a lot of places. In particular, I would like to see improvements made in the areas of date/time and HTTP parsing/scraping libraries. Meanwhile, serde, tokio/reqwest and diesel are all already excellent to varying degrees.

As for JARVIS, I’ve been using the combined Java/Rust version as my daily driver for about a week now, fixing bugs occasionally. The new version is already much easier to work on than the old Java/Scala one was. This is all just one more step in a long-term plan to convert this whole system into a web-app that I can access from any device without needing to install the software, but for now I’m going to put this project down and use it for a while until I’ve ironed out all of the new bugs. Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful.

  1. Yes, like Tony Stark’s house AI. I had much grander ambitions when I named this project. [return]
  2. As a side note, how cool is it that we as programmers can just go do stuff like that? Somehow that never seems to get old for me. [return]
  3. Wow, that is hard to type. Muscle-memory keeps trying to correct it to ‘request’. [return]