Benchmarking In Stable Rust With

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When I initially announced the release of, I didn’t expect that there would be so much demand for benchmarking on stable Rust. Now, I’d like to announce the release of 0.1.2, which supports the stable compiler. This post is an introduction to benchmarking with and a discussion of reasons why you might or might not want to do so.

What is is a benchmarking library for Rust that aims to bring solid statistical confidence to benchmarking Rust code, while maintaining good ease-of-use, even for programmers without a background in statistics. It’s already available on and on GitHub.

It was originally written by @japaric, but was never released on I (@bheisler) volunteered to take over maintenance and development a few months ago, and I published the first version of to in December 2017.

Getting Started with

To start with, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

criterion = "0.1.2"

name = "my_benchmark"
harness = false

Next, define a benchmark by creating a file at $PROJECT/benches/ with the following contents.

Finally, run this benchmark with cargo bench. You should see output similar to the following:

     Running target/release/deps/example-423eedc43b2b3a93
fib 20                  time:   [26.029 us 26.251 us 26.505 us]
Found 11 outliers among 99 measurements (11.11%)
  6 (6.06%) high mild
  5 (5.05%) high severe

See the Getting Started guide for more details.

Converting libtest benchmarks to

We’ll start with this benchmark as an example:

The first thing to do is update the Cargo.toml to disable the libtest benchmark harness:

name = "example"
harness = false

The next step is to update the imports:

extern crate criterion;
use criterion::Criterion;

Then, we can change the bench_fib function. Remove the #[bench] and change the argument to &mut Criterion instead. The contents of this function need to change as well:

fn bench_fib(c: &mut Criterion) {
    c.bench_function("fib 20", |b| b.iter(|| fibonacci(20)));

Finally, we need to invoke some macros to generate a main function, since we no longer have libtest to provide one:

criterion_group!(benches, bench_fib);

And that’s it! The complete migrated benchmark code is below:

The Pitch - Why You Might Want to Use

There are a number of reasons to use

The biggest one, the one that drew me to it in the first place, is the statistical confidence it provides. libtest gives a number and a confidence interval of some sort, but I cant’t even tell if that number is higher or lower than it was the last time I ran the benchmarks. Even if it is, how could I tell if that change was due to random noise or a change in the performance of the code? I’ve used to benchmark and optimize my own projects and every time I’ve seen it show a statistically-significant optimization or regression it’s been real. It’s almost fun, tweaking the code and running the benchmarks to see what happened. I’ve never gotten into that sort of flow with libtest.

Another big reason is that is actively maintained and developed. libtest is not, and the description of the bencher crate on GitHub declares that new features will not be added. Indeed, it instructs the reader to “Go build a better stable benchmarking library.” I hope is that library. produces more statistical information than libtest, and generates helpful charts and graphs to make it more easily understandable to the user. Additionally, it automatically compares the results of one run with the previous, without needing to install cargo-benchcmp or manually save benchmark results to files.

Finally, is compatible with stable builds of Rust, where libtest is not.

The Anti-Pitch - Why You Might Prefer libtest

With all that said, I would also like to explain some reasons why might not be right for everyone.

For example, libtest benchmarks execute much more quickly than benchmarks, especially the small and fast benchmarks. A small libtest benchmark function can run to completion in less than a second, where Criterion runs for (by default) at least 8 seconds plus analysis time. If your project lends itself to many small benchmarks, you’d need to configure to run shorter tests, where you wouldn’t with libtest.

The corollary to active development is that’ API is not yet fully stablized, where libtest isn’t likely to change.

libtest is also more seamless to use than You don’t need to mess around with your Cargo.toml file to use libtest benchmarks, they just work. Along the same lines, libtest has the test::black_box function to prevent unwanted constant folding, which can only approximate for now. Finally, libtest is the only option for benchmarks within your main crate - both and bencher can only be used in the benches folder at present.

Next Steps

I hope I’ve convinced you to give a look. I’m excited for the future of this project and of Rust as a whole, and I hope you are too.

Although now supports stable Rust, that doesn’t mean that it itself is stable, or even feature-complete. I certainly plan to continue polishing and expanding on what already provides. If you’d like to help with that effort, or if you’d like to make suggestions, feature requests or bug reports, please check out the repository on GitHub.

In addition, I hope to work with the Rust team to help define and implement the necessary changes to Cargo and rustc to use alternate test and benchmark frameworks. This would make it as seamless to use as it already is to use libtest, and will hopefully allow the community to experiment with a variety of ways to support testing and benchmarking.