v0.2 - HTML, Throughput Measurements, API Changes

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I’m pleased to announce the release of v0.2, available today. Version 0.2 provides a number of new features including HTML reports and throughput measurements, fixes a handful of bugs, and adds a new, more powerful way to configure and construct your benchmarks. It also breaks backwards compatibility with the 0.1 versions in a number of small but important ways. Read on to learn more!

What is is a statistics-driven benchmarking library for Rust. It provides precise measurements of changes in the performance of benchmarked code, and gives strong statistical confidence that apparent performance changes are real and not simply noise. Clear output, a simple API and reasonable defaults make it easy to use even for developers without a background in statistics. Unlike the benchmarking harness provided by Rust, can be used with stable versions of the compiler.

If you aren’t already using for your benchmarks, check out the Getting Started guide or go right to the GitHub repo.

New Features

This is only some of the improvements made to in v0.2 - for a more complete list, see the CHANGELOG.

HTML Reports now generates an HTML report for each benchmark, including detailed graphs showing the performance behavior of your code. For an example of the generated report, click here. Gnuplot must be installed in order to generate reports.

The reports and other data are now stored in the target/criterion directory when you run the benchmarks, which makes them easier to find and means you no longer need to ignore the .criterion directory.

There is still much work to do on expanding the HTML reports, so stay tuned for further enhancements.


The bench function has been added to the Criterion struct, along with two new structures - Benchmark and ParameterizedBenchmark<T>. These structures provide a powerful builder-style interface to define and configure complex benchmarks which can perform benchmarks and comparisons that were not possible previously, such as comparing the performance of a Rust function and an external program over a range of inputs. These structs also allow for easy per-benchmark configuration of measurement times and other settings.


    Benchmark::new("Recursive", |b| b.iter(|| fibonacci_recursive(20)))
        .with_function("Iterative", |b| b.iter(|| fibonacci_iterative(20))),

Throughput Measurements can now estimate the throughput of the code under test. By providing a Throughput (for Benchmark) or Fn(&T) -> Throughput (for ParameterizedBenchmark<T>), you can tell how many bytes or elements are being processed in each iteration of your benchmark. will then use that information to estimate the number of bytes or elements your code can process per second.

Breaking Changes

Unfortunately, some breaking changes were necessary to implement these new features.

Builder Methods Take self by Value

All of the builder methods on Criterion now take self by value rather than by mutable reference. This is to simplify chaining multiple methods after calling Criterion::default(), but existing code which configures a Criterion structure may need to be changed or replaced with code that configures a Benchmark instead.

‘static Lifetime For Closure Types

Most closures passed to must now have types that live for the 'static lifetime. Note, the closures themselves don’t need to be 'static, but their types do.

What does this mean for you? You may need to change your benchmarks from |b| b.iter(...) to move |b| b.iter(...). This does mean that the closures will take ownership of values used inside the closure, so you may need to clone or Rc shared test data. Simple closures, like those in the Fibonacci example above, can remain unchanged - this only affects closures which capture values from their environment.

Benchmark Parameters Must Implement Debug

Previously, required the values for parameterized benchmarks to implement the Display trait. This has been changed to require the Debug trait instead, as that can be easily derived.

Thank You

Thank you to Damien Levac (@Proksima), @dowwie, Oliver Mader (@b52), Nick Babcock (@nickbabcock), Steven Fackler (@sfackler), and @llogiq for suggesting improvements to since the last release. I’d also like to thank Alexander Bulaev (@alexbool) and Paul Mason (@paupino) for contributing pull requests.

If you’d like to see your name up here, or if you have ideas, problems or questions, please consider contributing to on GitHub.