Custom Measurements

By default, measures the wall-clock time taken by the benchmarks. However, there are many other ways to measure the performance of a function, such as hardware performance counters or POSIX's CPU time. Since version 0.3.0, has had support for plugging in alternate timing measurements. This page details how to define and use these custom measurements.

Note that as of version 0.3.0, only timing measurements are supported, and only a single measurement can be used for one benchmark. These restrictions may be lifted in future versions.

Defining Custom Measurements

For developers who wish to use custom measurements provided by an existing crate, skip to "Using Custom Measurements" below.

Custom measurements are defined by a pair of traits, both defined in criterion::measurement.


First, we'll look at the main trait, Measurement.

fn main() {
pub trait Measurement {
    type Intermediate;
    type Value: MeasuredValue;

    fn start(&self) -> Self::Intermediate;
    fn end(&self, i: Self::Intermediate) -> Self::Value;

    fn add(&self, v1: &Self::Value, v2: &Self::Value) -> Self::Value;
    fn zero(&self) -> Self::Value;
    fn to_f64(&self, val: &Self::Value) -> f64;

    fn formatter(&self) -> &dyn ValueFormatter;

The most important methods here are start and end and their associated types, Intermediate and Value. start is called to start a measurement and end is called to complete it. As an example, the start method of the wall-clock time measurement returns the value of the system clock at the moment that start is called. This starting time is then passed to the end function, which reads the system clock again and calculates the elapsed time between the two calls. This pattern - reading some system counter before and after the benchmark and reporting the difference - is a common way for code to measure performance.

The next two functions, add and zero are pretty simple; sometimes needs to be able to break up a sample into batches that are added together (eg. in Bencher::iter_batched) and so we need to have a way to calculate the sum of the measurements for each batch to get the overall value for the sample.

to_f64 is used to convert the measured value to an f64 value so that Criterion can perform its analysis. As of 0.3.0, only a single value can be returned for analysis per benchmark. Since f64 doesn't carry any unit information, the implementor should be careful to choose their units to avoid having extremely large or extremely small values that may have floating-point precision issues. For wall-clock time, we convert to nanoseconds.

Finally, we have formatter, which just returns a trait-object reference to a ValueFormatter (more on this later).

For our half-second measurement, this is all pretty straightforward; we're still measuring wall-clock time so we can just use Instant and Duration like WallTime does:

fn main() {
/// Silly "measurement" that is really just wall-clock time reported in half-seconds.
struct HalfSeconds;
impl Measurement for HalfSeconds {
    type Intermediate = Instant;
    type Value = Duration;

    fn start(&self) -> Self::Intermediate {
    fn end(&self, i: Self::Intermediate) -> Self::Value {
    fn add(&self, v1: &Self::Value, v2: &Self::Value) -> Self::Value {
        *v1 + *v2
    fn zero(&self) -> Self::Value {
    fn to_f64(&self, val: &Self::Value) -> f64 {
        let nanos = val.as_secs() * NANOS_PER_SEC + u64::from(val.subsec_nanos());
        nanos as f64
    fn formatter(&self) -> &dyn ValueFormatter {


The next trait is ValueFormatter, which defines how a measurement is displayed to the user.

fn main() {
pub trait ValueFormatter {
    fn format_value(&self, value: f64) -> String {...}
    fn format_throughput(&self, throughput: &Throughput, value: f64) -> String {...}
    fn scale_values(&self, typical_value: f64, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str;
    fn scale_throughputs(&self, typical_value: f64, throughput: &Throughput, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str;
    fn scale_for_machines(&self, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str;

All of these functions accept a value to format in f64 form; the values passed in will be in the same scale as the values returned from to_f64, but may not be the exact same values. That is, if to_f64 returns values scaled to "thousands of cycles", the values passed to format_value and the other functions will be in the same units, but may be different numbers (eg. the mean of all sample times).

Implementors should try to format the values in a way that will make sense to humans. "1,500,000 ns" is needlessly confusing while "1.5 ms" is much clearer. If you can, try to use SI prefixes to simplify the numbers. An easy way to do this is to have a series of conditionals like so:

fn main() {
if ns < 1.0 {  // ns = time in nanoseconds per iteration
    format!("{:>6} ps", ns * 1e3)
} else if ns < 10f64.powi(3) {
    format!("{:>6} ns", ns)
} else if ns < 10f64.powi(6) {
    format!("{:>6} us", ns / 1e3)
} else if ns < 10f64.powi(9) {
    format!("{:>6} ms", ns / 1e6)
} else {
    format!("{:>6} s", ns / 1e9)

It's also a good idea to limit the amount of precision in floating-point output - after a few digits the numbers don't matter much anymore but add a lot of visual noise and make the results harder to interpret. For example, it's very unlikely that anyone cares about the difference between 10.2896653s and 10.2896654s - it's much more salient that their function takes "about 10.290 seconds per iteration".

With that out of the way, format_value is pretty straightforward. format_throughput is also not too difficult; match on Throughput::Bytes or Throughput::Elements and generate an appropriate description. For wall-clock time, that would likely take the form of "bytes per second", but a measurement that read CPU performance counters might want to display throughput in terms of "cycles per byte". Note that default implementations of format_value and format_throughput are provided which use scale_values and scale_throughputs, but you can override them if you wish.

scale_values is a bit more complex. This accepts a "typical" value chosen by, and a mutable slice of values to scale. This function should choose an appropriate unit based on the typical value, and convert all values in the slice to that unit. It should also return a string representing the chosen unit. So, for our wall-clock times where the measured values are in nanoseconds, if we wanted to display plots in milliseconds we would multiply all of the input values by 10.0f64.powi(-6) and return "ms", because multiplying a value in nanoseconds by 10^-6 gives a value in milliseconds. scale_throughputs does the same thing, only it converts a slice of measured values to their corresponding scaled throughput values.

scale_for_machines is similar to scale_values, except that it's used for generating machine-readable outputs. It does not accept a typical value, because this function should always return values in the same unit.

Our half-second measurement formatter thus looks like this:

fn main() {
struct HalfSecFormatter;
impl ValueFormatter for HalfSecFormatter {
    fn format_value(&self, value: f64) -> String {
        // The value will be in nanoseconds so we have to convert to half-seconds.
        format!("{} s/2", value * 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9))

    fn format_throughput(&self, throughput: &Throughput, value: f64) -> String {
        match *throughput {
            Throughput::Bytes(bytes) => format!(
                "{} b/s/2",
                f64::from(bytes) / (value * 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9))
            Throughput::Elements(elems) => format!(
                "{} elem/s/2",
                f64::from(elems) / (value * 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9))

    fn scale_values(&self, ns: f64, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str {
        for val in values {
            *val *= 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9);


    fn scale_throughputs(
        _typical: f64,
        throughput: &Throughput,
        values: &mut [f64],
    ) -> &'static str {
        match *throughput {
            Throughput::Bytes(bytes) => {
                // Convert nanoseconds/iteration to bytes/half-second.
                for val in values {
                    *val = (bytes as f64) / (*val * 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9))

            Throughput::Elements(elems) => {
                for val in values {
                    *val = (elems as f64) / (*val * 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9))


    fn scale_for_machines(&self, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str {
        // Convert values in nanoseconds to half-seconds.
        for val in values {
            *val *= 2f64 * 10f64.powi(-9);


Using Custom Measurements

Once you (or an external crate) have defined a custom measurement, using it is relatively easy. You will need to override the Criterion struct (which defaults to WallTime) by providing your own measurement using the with_measurement function and overriding the default Criterion object configuration. Your benchmark functions will also have to declare the measurement type they work with.

fn main() {
fn fibonacci_cycles(criterion: &mut Criterion<HalfSeconds>) {
    // Use the criterion struct as normal here.

fn alternate_measurement() -> Criterion<HalfSeconds> {

criterion_group! {
    name = benches;
    config = alternate_measurement();
    targets = fibonacci_cycles